
Holidays and Infections.

It is the season.

So please stay home if you feel sick. This is not limited to Covid-19.

Private Practice for Physiotherapy

We offer you with a wide range of treatment and support from all across the physiotherapeutic spectrum.

Many of today’s common physical ailments can be caused by doing too much, or too little, or simply due to habit.

Our approach is based on a combination of information, education, targeted training sessions and passive physiotherapeutic measures.

Our Services:

  • Krankengymnastik (KG)
  • Manual Therapy (MT)
  • KG with Equipment (KGG)
  • Tapes and Bandages
  • Compression
  • Heat (WÄ)
  • Cold (EIS)
  • Electro Therapy (EL)
  • Performance Measurement, Risk Assessment

So how does it work?

Getting acquainted

The visit starts by you talking and us listening.

A comprehensive medical history is key to planning your treatment.

This means that we focus more on you, and less on your diagnosis.


Get to know your own body better in our purpose-built training area where we accompany you every step of the way.

Where it makes sense we will also use more passive treatment approaches to further speed you on the road to recovery.


Knowledge is the key to improvement.

Our mission is to help you re-build trust and confidence in your own body, thus improving your quality of life.


Final Session

What have you achieved so far and where do you go from here?

These are the sorts of questions we will discuss together in our last session together, enabling you to continue to improve your own health and happiness.

Strengthening your own belief in yourself

“You’ll be surprised at what you are able to achieve in our training area, no matter what your diagnosis.”
Talk to us
030 28429237
Write to us
Come to us
8:00 - 18:00 Uhr